M27 Dumbbell Nebula
Although no star in Vulpecula shines brighter than magnitude 4.4, this summer constallation does boast the most famous of planetary nebulae, M27, the Dumbbell Nebula. Discovered by Messier in 1764, the Dumbbell got its nickname much later from its resemblance to a bodybuilder’s hand weight. M27 is one of the closer planetaries (815 light years away), and its physical diameter of 1.2 light years also makes it one of the larger.
[description from James O’Meara]
Photographer: Martin Rusterholz
Telescope: | RCOS 14.5” f/8 |
Mount: | ASA DDM85 |
Camera: | Andor CG16M |
Exposure: | HaOIIIRGB 440:440:260:220:220min |